This is one of the coaching questions from my chapter: ‘Manage your clients’. The chapter appears in a new book: ‘Future-proof Your Legal Career – 10 Core Areas of Professional Development.
I have used coaching questions frequently in my chapters. They offer readers the opportunity to step back from reading, think differently and create their own unique answers.
In this context, coaching questions encourage readers to:
- reflect on what they have read; and
- contemplate what it means for them at a deeper level.
The most relevant questions can prompt powerful insights and self-discovery. Questions may have immediate value, but often their true benefit emerges as readers cogitate over time.
These are questions where the best answers can wake you up in the middle of the night.
For example, answering the question at the top of this post may:
- suggest that you share a recent success with your client
- connect recent personal leisure reading to a client need.
- identify a colleague that your client might benefit from meeting.
- remind you that the last Annual Client Review meeting took place over a year ago.
- bring to mind that at your previous meeting your client predicted a tough financial quarter.
Using coaching questions can significantly increase the range of potential answers to unknown questions. This is helpful for an uncertain world, where answers may differ over time.
Future-proof Your Legal Career -10 Core Areas of Professional Development is available from the publisher: